Sunday, March 4, 2012

Home Sweet Home - YES!

We are beyond excited...yes in-deed we will have a "new" old 1928 home! We are closing in less than 48 hrs! I have been too scared to report anything for fear that things could fall apart at the last minute...but our mortgage banker has said "you can celebrate now!"

We are having a parTAY on tuesday night...I have invited just about everyone I have ever met here on the North Shore to come and help us celebrate...we are so thankful...I am truly humbled by God's gracious blessing!

So...Tuesday we parTAY...Wednesday the painters arrive! We are not messing around;) I am currently walking around with this "deer in the headlights" look on my face b/c i am panic stricken with all of the "design" decisions to be made. Hubby is very confused by this...he thought I would be loving this part...and I am. Sort of.

Growing up in the south I have always had a love for traditional design (except for my short lived "contemporary" phase during college...while studying design of all things!) However, ever since being "style" has gone thru some severe birthing in Park City UT where all things "rustic, big & wood" are favored...then off to traditional Houston Tx for less than a year...then back to Park City...then Southern CA where "tuscan, spanish, bling-bling" prevail...and now in the urban-city-sheik meets tradition suburb heart of the mid-west Chicago....Good Grief! No wonder I am a Hot Design Mess!

With my design business...I utilize existing "stuff" people have...I know what looks good and I know how to arrange furniture...but I was slinging cokes & peanuts for 10 years as a flight attendant...then changing formal education was a loooooong time the past, I have always designed our own home with "resale" in mind...this home is different...for the first time ever, I really think we are going to be here for awhile and I can do what I want to do b/c I like it! and for whatever reason, that is freaking me out!

Alright - alright...enough of the talk...let's see some before pics and where we are headed pics! This first pic is of the paint color palette...I fell in love when my I looked up "revere pewter" by Benjamin Moore...Girlfriend Shay used that color in her bathroom...4th one to the right - SOLD. Will use in my formal living room.
 These are a few fabric swatches that got my attention. Honestly do not have any plans for them...maybe recover a chair and do some window treatments?

Yup...this is gonna be FUN...if the FUNds don't run out too soon! This is the powder room off of the foyer...lovely Waverly wallpaper from the 80's...hey, that was the creme-de-la-creme when this was last "renovated"...and the window is "faux" was once a functional window, but a family room was added on and now covers the "view"...this home has great space to work with!

OHMYGAA....look at the floors...drool. This is what I hope we can replace the original tile don't get all upset...the "original" tile is NOthing of beauty...
I am hoping this sink will fit...but it might be too wide/deep...I have always loved these sinks and powder rooms are the only "practical" bathrooms to use them in. (Did you hear that Peaches? "Practical" -  I sound like my mama!)

Check out the wallpaper in the entry way...that will be coming down...oh the fun of looking for something else! I have never used wallpaper in a home and can't wait to find something new!
Look at this from Schumacher...gorgeous. The other day I fell in love with a seagrass paper with a hand stamped design...over $600 FOR ONE ROLL. Next please.

More wallpaper in the kitchen...those cabinets are soooo ugly...but we will be living with them for a while...a loooong while...hoping paint on the wall & a simple painted checker-board pattern on the floor will be distracting enough...NO - we will not be painting them....they don't rate.
Another shot of the wallpaper...and some cute kids in the family room. Michael Talbot giving Brooks piggy back:)

These floors are what I want for the kitchen...but softer contrast...I hear you. Trust me will look amazing.

I am off to bed...I am sure you know what I will be dreaming of....


  1. Love the revere pewter cut to 50%. If you had to describe and undertone to this color, would you say its more gray, more beige or right in between?

  2. Hi Sandy! I would say it is the perfect blend! I call it "greige" ... depending on the light, it is either gray or beige :) good luck!
